Welcome! This page is intended for facilitators to use in planning. This 60-minute module consists of 3 steps and an optional “Going Beyond” section. Review this page for facilitation suggestions and required materials.
To establish a common understanding around procedural fluency, development and assessment. To develop grade level action plans for meaningful practice and assessment based on each grade level’s procedural fluency standards.
Teachers should help students develop math facts, not by emphasizing facts for the sake of facts or using ‘timed tests’ but by encouraging students to use, work with and explore numbers. As students work on meaningful number activities they will commit math facts to heart at the same time as understanding numbers and math. They will enjoy and learn important mathematics rather than memorize, dread and fear mathematics. (Jo Boaler, 2015, p. 6).
The purpose of this module is to provide an introductory understanding of meaningful practice and assessment instructional practices for development of procedural fluency. Visit the “Going Beyond” for deepening understanding.
Step 1
Participants will look up their grade level Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS) for fluency outcomes in their grade, Expectations and current instructional and assessment practices will then be posted for vertical articulation.
10 minutes
Step 2
Participants develop an introductory understanding of fluency with a common definition of mathematical fluency , the 3 phase development, fluency's role on mathematical mindset, and assessment practices.
28 minutes
Step 3
Participants will choose one of two articles to read on the development of mathematical fluency. In grade level groups they will reflect on their current fluency development practices and assessment. Finally, they will create an action plan and post on the Vertical Articulation Poster.
20 minutes
Going Beyond
Three additional 45-60 minute modules where participants will develop deeper understanding in the following areas of mathematical fluency:
Meaningful Instructional Practices in Developing Mathematical Fluency
Mathematical Mindset
Meaningful Assessment Practices of Mathematical Fluency